We face the truth

This is a critical time for mother earth. Our incessant pillaging of resources and unquenchable thirst for consumption is having a catastrophic effect on our natural environment. We need to face this truth. We need to own it. But we also need to know there is hope.


We identify catalysts

We seek out people with a vision to improve lives and the environment - and we get behind them. We help them focus and deliver their plans. We are the wind in their sails. We have their back when it gets tough. 


We embrace connections

We are a group with influence. We have channels, resources, access to funding, experience, smarts and creativity. We draw on these to influence behaviour change, to rally troops and to make plans.


We give generously

We share our time and expertise to help others fulfil their potential – especially those who are giving a lot of themselves for the greater good. We support others on their journeys of personal development.


We look after ourselves

In order to help others, we must enrich our own minds and bodies. We take advice and build on criticism. We draw strength from simple pleasures, like reconnecting with nature and being part of a community.


We are unstoppable

We have work to do. We’re going to do it together and become better friends along the way. This love – for each other and for the world around us – will be our kindling and the fire it ignites will be unstoppable.